Start creating a course in 5 minutes!

All you need is a short description and EasyAI will take it from there

Use 1-click actions to perfect your course

Modifying your existing content is as easy as a single click!

Brainstorm with AI to come up with content ideas
Unlock creative ideas about your topic and add them easily to your existing course.
Brainstorm with AI to come up with content ideas
Unlock creative ideas about your topic and add them easily to your existing course.
Brainstorm with AI to come up with content ideas
Unlock creative ideas about your topic and add them easily to your existing course.
Question generated by authors, so far!
Use text to speech to elevate understanding

Cater to learners with all learning styles - whether they prefer to read or listen.

EasyAI speaks 50+ languages

Describe your course in your native language, be it Español, Deutsch, Português or any other

Ask for a specific input using chat

Converse with EasyAI chat like you would with your assistant to bring your ideas to life.

We take privacy very seriously

Your content is safe with EasyAI, used exclusively for e-learning course creation. Read more about our security measures here.

Read EasyAI security policy
Frequently asked questions
All the answers you need
Can I try EasyAI for free?+

Start with EasyAI on a free 14-day trial for full AI feature access. If you are an existing Easygenerator customer, please contact our Customer Support or your Customer Success Manager for further information.

Which AI platform is EasyAI based on?+

Start with EasyAI on a free 14-day trial for full AI feature access. If you are an existing Easygenerator customer, please contact our Customer Support or your Customer Success Manager for further information.

How can I get started with EasyAI?+

Start with EasyAI on a free 14-day trial for full AI feature access. If you are an existing Easygenerator customer, please contact our Customer Support or your Customer Success Manager for further information.

Check out our help desk or feel free to contact us if you can’t find the answer.

EasyAI makes tangible impact

Courses created using Course Builder since launch in April 2024
Growth in authors who are creating courses using EasyAI
9x faster
To publish a course when you start creating using e-learning content using Course Builder
Optional Add-On

Translate courses into 75 languages

Create e-learning for both local and global teams simultaneously in the languages they speak!

Learn more

“People now recognise that having a good performance conversation means that something happens as a result. People now recognise that having a good performance conversation means that something happens as a result.”

Name Surname
Company name

“People now recognise that having a good performance conversation means that something happens as a result. People now recognise that having a good performance conversation means that something happens as a result.”

Name Surname
Company name

“People now recognise that having a good performance conversation means that something happens as a result. People now recognise that having a good performance conversation means that something happens as a result.”

Name Surname
Company name
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