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Product update: March 2024

By Sanesh Mathew

Last month, our product team worked hard to enhance your experience with Easygenerator. We’re happy to present new and improved features so you can keep providing the best learning experiences. 

What’s new?

  • Create courses faster with Course Builder

Generate an entire course with our AI-powered Course Builder

The future of e-learning is here! Course Builder (powered by EasyAI), an enhanced evolution of the Outline Builder, is live on the Easygenerator platform.

How does this help you as an author? You can now craft entire courses from scratch with AI-powered assistance for unmatched quality and engagement. Just answer a few questions about your course objectives, and Course Builder with guide you with AI-powered prompts (see below).

Once you’ve answered all the questions, Course Builder will: 

  • Generate a comprehensive course structure and rich, engaging content. 
  • Craft relevant questions to enhance the learning experience.

And, in just a few steps, your entire course is ready – complete with text, images, and questions! 

What’s next?

We’re working hard to add new features to make it even easier for your organization to share knowledge. Check out our previous updates and stay tuned so you don’t miss out on exciting features and improvements.

About the author

Sanesh Mathew is Easygenerator’s senior UX writer. For almost a decade, he’s worked with product and marketing teams, focusing primarily on user-centric content. Outside of work, you’ll find him unwinding with Netflix or taking leisurely walks to get the creative juices flowing.

Try Easygenerator for 14 days, no credit card required.
  • 14 day trial with access to all features. Start with variety of course templates.
  • 14 day trial with access to all features. Start with variety of course templates.
  • 14 day trial with access to all features. Start with variety of course templates.