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Product update: June 2023

By Sera Özkıvanç

Last month, our product team worked hard to enhance your experience with Easygenerator. We’re happy to present new and improved features so you can keep providing the best learning experiences. 

What’s new?

✔️ Embed your third-party content into content blocks
✔️ Navigate to comments and replies directly from your notification email
✔️ Learners can update their personal information

Embed the content you’ve created on third-party tools

We’ve turned your popular requests into action. Now, you can embed content you’ve created on other platforms into your courses. Easily add your YouTube videos, Survey Monkey questionnaires, H5P content, and more.

Simply drag and drop an Embed block into a content page, choosing the third-party platform where the content was created. If you can’t find your platform on the sidebar, select the ‘Web Link’ block to embed any web link into your course.

Navigate to comments and replies directly from your email

We understand how essential it is to exchange feedback in crafting effective e-learning courses. And our collaborative features play an essential role in making that happen. This month, we refined the process of addressing your co-authors’ and reviewers’ comments and replies.

Until now, when you were notified about a comment or reply by email, clicking on ‘Open Course’ took you to the course overview page. Now, you’ll be taken directly to the specific page, and the comment or reply will automatically pop up.  

Learners can update their personal information

We also made it possible for learners to update their personal information on the learner dashboard. They can update their name, city, and country, by navigating to their profile page and clicking on ‘Personal Information.’ This way, you’ll have a more detailed view of who your learners are.

What’s next?

We’re working hard to add new features to make it even easier for your organization to share knowledge. Check out our previous updates and stay tuned so you don’t miss out on exciting features and improvements.

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About the author

Sera Özkıvanç is a writer, marketer, and the resident content specialist at Easygenerator. Over the last four years, she’s written marketing content for various SaaS brands around the world. These days, she’s doing her best to embrace the rainy weather in Rotterdam.