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Collect learner input with the Easygenerator NPS feature

By Kasper Spiro

How satisfied are your learners with the learning content you’ve created? What are the bright spots and trouble areas in your e-learning courses? The only way to find out is to get feedback from your learners.

e-learning feedback

When measuring the success of a training or e-learning course, we usually look first at test scores. However, test scores don’t always tell the full story. Learner engagement is another key indicator of success.

Data analytics can be very useful in determining user engagement levels. Instead of relying solely on test scores, it’s important to adopt a data-informed approach when determining the success of a specific piece of learning content. Here, the world of software development offers a simple, elegant solution: the net promoter score (NPS).

Software developers continually ask their users one simple question: “Would you recommend this product to a friend?” The feedback they receive helps them decide which steps they need to take next to improve the product. In some cases, the feedback may indicate that the product is fine the way it is.

Similarly, net promoter scoring can help identify how learners (employees) are responding to learning content created by their colleagues.

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Easygenerator’s Learner Satisfaction Survey is a built-in NPS feature. This survey is a one-point questionnaire for your users to rate their learning experience, helping you measure whether they are happy with a course or not.

After finishing the course, learners can respond to the survey on their overall experience of the course.

Besides NPS, we also advocate following up with short, open-ended questions to gather feedback immediately after each module. Learners can give specific feedback as soon as they complete a module or a chapter. This helps you capture input on the usefulness of the individual topics, so you can fill in any gaps. Here’s an example:

Feedback options like these stimulate learner interaction, which is proven to be one of the key ingredients of successful learning programs.

This scenario does not cover the usual method of using Smile Sheets, because course creators are subject matter experts (SMEs) who want quick, concise feedback and often don’t have time to analyze lengthy feedback. A combination of NPS and short questions gives SMEs all the input they need to make changes or improve the content later.

Read the next article as part of the e-learning best practices blog series: “First curate, then create a course

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About the author

Kasper Spiro is the Co-founder and Chief learning strategist of Easygenerator and a recognized thought leader in the world of e-learning. With over 30 years of experience, he is a frequently asked keynote speaker and well-renowned blogger within the e-learning community.